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Report No.

Development of a measurement system for the determination of ($$n,gamma$$) cross-sections using multi-nucleon transfer reactions

Makii, Hiroyuki   ; Ota, Shuya*; Ishii, Tetsuro  ; Wakabayashi, Yasuo*; Furutaka, Kazuyoshi  ; Nishio, Katsuhisa   ; Nishinaka, Ichiro; Chiba, Satoshi; Igashira, Masayuki*; Czeszumska, A.*

We have installed new experimental apparatus to measure $$gamma$$ rays from highly excited states populated by the multi-nucleon transfer reactions with heavy-ion projectiles to determine the ($$n, gamma$$) cross sections by means of the surrogate reaction method. Apparatus consists of two anti-Compton LaBr$$_{3}$$(Ce) spectrometers to measure the $$gamma$$ rays and a Si $${Delta}E$$-$$E$$ detector system to detect outgoing projectile-like particles. Reactions of 153-MeV $$^{18}$$O beams with $$^{155}$$Gd and $$^{157}$$Gd targets were used to study the performance of apparatus. By using the LaBr$$_{3}$$(Ce) scintillators with relatively large volume (101.6 mm in diameter and 127 mm in length), we have successfully measured $$gamma$$ rays from the compound nuclei, which have excitation energy above neutron separation energy, populated by $$^{155}$$Gd($$^{18}$$O, $$^{16}$$O)$$^{157}$$Gd and $$^{157}$$Gd($$^{18}$$O, $$^{16}$$O)$$^{159}$$Gd two-neutron transfer reactions. The present study has demonstrated high capability of apparatus to measure the de-excitation $$gamma$$ rays in the compound nuclei produced by the multi-nucleon transfer reactions for determination of the ($$n, gamma$$) cross sections by using the surrogate reaction method.



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Category:Instruments & Instrumentation



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