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 年 ~ 

Reactor physics experiments using transmutation physics experimental facility for research and development of accelerator-driven system


岩元 大樹   ; 西原 健司  ; 菅原 隆徳  ; 辻本 和文 ; 佐々 敏信   ; 前川 藤夫  

Iwamoto, Hiroki; Nishihara, Kenji; Sugawara, Takanori; Tsujimoto, Kazufumi; Sasa, Toshinobu; Maekawa, Fujio

The effectiveness of reactor physics experiments using Transmutation Physics Experimental Facility (TEF-P) in J-PARC was analysed from the viewpoint of the reduction of uncertainties in the calculated reactor physics parameters (criticality and coolant void reactivity) of the ADS proposed by JAEA. The analysis was conducted by the nuclear-data adjustment method using JENDL-4.0 on the assumption that several types of reactor physics experiments using minor actinide bearing fuel will be performed in TEF-P. It was found that a combination of various experiments and database of existing experimental data was effective in reducing the uncertainties. As the typical result, 1.0% of uncertainty in calculated criticality value can be reduced to 0.4%. As an elemental device development for TEF-P, we developed an online subcriticality monitor. Through experiments using Kyoto University Critical Assembly (KUCA) and the FFAG proton accelerator, it was confirmed that this device could be applicable to measure deep subcriticality around 10${$}$ below the critical condition.



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