※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Low-velocity transient-field technique with radioactive ion beams; $$g$$ factor of the first excited $$2^+$$ state in $$^{72}$$Zn

放射性イオンビームを用いた低速過渡電場法; $$^{72}$$Znの第一励起$$2^+$$状態の$$g$$因子

Illana, A.*; Jungclaus, A.*; Orlandi, R.  ; Perea, A.*; Bauer, C.*; Briz, J. A.*; Egido, J. L.*; Gernh$"a$user, R.*; Leske, J.*; M$"u$cher, D.*; Pakarinen, J.*; Pietralla, N.*; Rajabali, M.*; Rodr$'{i}$guez, T. R.*; Seiler, D.*; Stahl, C.*; Voulot, D.*; Wenander, F. K.*; Blazhev, A.*; De Witte, H.*; Reiter, P.*; Seidlitz, M.*; Siebeck, B.*; Vermeulen, M. J.*; Warr, N.*

Illana, A.*; Jungclaus, A.*; Orlandi, R.; Perea, A.*; Bauer, C.*; Briz, J. A.*; Egido, J. L.*; Gernh$"a$user, R.*; Leske, J.*; M$"u$cher, D.*; Pakarinen, J.*; Pietralla, N.*; Rajabali, M.*; Rodr$'{i}$guez, T. R.*; Seiler, D.*; Stahl, C.*; Voulot, D.*; Wenander, F. K.*; Blazhev, A.*; De Witte, H.*; Reiter, P.*; Seidlitz, M.*; Siebeck, B.*; Vermeulen, M. J.*; Warr, N.*

The $$g$$ factor of the first excited state in $$^{72}$$Zn was measured using the transient-field technique in combination with Coulomb excitation. The experiment was ran at REX-ISOLDE, CERN, and the $$gamma$$-ray perturbed angular correlations were measured using 4 triple Germanium clusters of the Miniball array. The experimental result $$g$$(2$$_1^{+}$$) = +0.47(14) is significant to establish the structure of the Zn isotopes near N=40. Comparison with shell-model calculations reveal that to reproduce the measured energies and B(E2) of the Zn isotopes around N=40, both the proton excitations from the $$f_{7/2}$$ orbit and neutron excitations into the $$g_{9/2}$$ and $$d_{5/2}$$ orbits are essential. Furthermore, beyond-mean-field calculations reveal the need to include the triaxial degree of freedom.



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分野:Physics, Nuclear



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