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Report No.

Source apportionment of carbonaceous matter in PM$$_{2.5}$$ at NOTO peninsula using $$^{14}$$C analysis

Yamada, Rena*; Ikemori, Fumikazu*; Nakamura, Toshio*; Minami, Masayo*; Watanabe, Takahiro   ; Kinouchi, Kento*; Matsuki, Atsushi*

Aerosols and clouds seeded by them both affect the heat budget of the Earth, but their RF (radiative forcing) still involves large uncertainty (IPCC 2013). One of the least understood properties of aerosols is the source and contribution of the organics. Our recent observation revealed that submicron aerosol particles in Noto peninsula also have a relatively high concentration (approximately more than 50%) of carbonaceous matter throughout the year. It is difficult to presume its sources specifying its chemical species in many scenes because of its great variety. However, we can presume its source by using carbon isotope ratio. We conducted sampling in NOTOGRO (NOTO ground-based research observatory), lying at the edge of Noto peninsula, from 26th Jun to 23rd July, 2014. We corrected PM$$_{2.5}$$ using high volume air sampler for every week. Flow rate was 700L/min, and quartz fiber filter was used for sampling. $$^{14}$$C was analyzed using AMS $$^{14}$$C system (High Voltage Engineering Europe, Model 4130-AMS) and $$^{13}$$C using IRMS (isotope ratio mass spectrometer) in Nagoya University. As a result, it was found that 4 samples collected from 26th Jun to 23rd July had approximately 70 percent modern carbon (pMC). This result shows that modern plant (and/or biomass burning) activities mainly contribute to the submicron organic particle concentration in Noto peninsula.



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