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Report No.

Development of fast reactor containment safety analysis code, CONTAIN-LMR, 5; Improvement of debris-concrete interaction model

Seino, Hiroshi ; Kawaguchi, Munemichi   ; Izumi, Keitaro*

As a part of development of CONTAIN-LMR, CORCON and VANESA models for calculating the debris-concrete interaction (MCCI) have been improved taking into account the influence of soudium-pool existence. In this study, the following LMFR specific models in the code have been developed and improved: (1) chemical reaction in sodium pool, (2) aerosol decontamination in sodium pool, and (3) heat conduction in concrete. These models have been also confirmed and validated with experimental results. As a result, improved CORCON and VANESA can represent the MCCI behavior reasonably well. Further improvement and validation of CONTAIN-LMR will be continued in order to apply to the ex-vessel accident progression of LMFRs.



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