※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Layer-number-dependence of teraherz radiations from intrinsic Josephson junctions stacks

太田 幸宏; 町田 昌彦  

Ota, Yukihiro; Machida, Masahiko


Since the observation of teraherz emission from mesas made of layered high-Tc superconductor Bi$$_2$$Sr$$_2$$CaCu$$_2$$O$$_8$$, the mechanism of radiation attracts a great deal of attention from theoretical and engineering points of view. Emission has a connection with the dynamical aspects of superconducting phases and electromagnetic wave; constructing a theoretical approach to integrating these degrees of freedom is desirable. A way to resolving the issues is built up by 3D dynamical simulations of intrinsic Josephson junction stacks with outside-vacuum contributions. In this article, we apply our code to characterizing teraherz emission in low-bias-current regions. The highlight is to achieve the change of the junction numbers involved the sample. We successfully reproduce the emergence of $$pi$$-kink behaviors. Then, we show the presence of a critical value of the number of junctions for a strong emission.



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