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New reaction chamber for transient field g-factor measurements with radioactive ion beams


Illana, A.*; Perea, A.*; N$'a$cher, E.*; Orlandi, R.  ; Jungclaus, A.*

Illana, A.*; Perea, A.*; N$'a$cher, E.*; Orlandi, R.; Jungclaus, A.*

This article describes the development of a chamber to measure the magnetic moments of excited states of fast radioactive ions. The measurement consists of an integrated perturbed angular correlation. The radioactive ions experience a strong transient field when crossing a gadolinium backing magnetized by an external magnetic field, and cooled via thermal contact with a liquid nitrogen circuit. The chamber was already employed successfully at REX-ISOLDE, CERN, to measure the g-factor of the 2$$^{+}$$ state in $$^{72}$$Zn.



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分野:Instruments & Instrumentation



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