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Report No.

Theoretical study of C$$_{60}$$ fullerene as the adsorbent of Cs

Kobayashi, Takanori; Yokoyama, Keiichi  

We have a plan for isotope separation of $$^{135}$$Cs using the difference of rotational constants of CsI. In the plan, the adsorbent which can adsorb Cs species-selectively is desirable for the recovery of $$^{135}$$Cs after isotope-selective dissociation process of CsI. Paying attention to the difference of the chemical nature of CsI and Cs, fullerenes would be expected to be desirable as the adsorptive material. To confirm the idea, we have calculated the adsorption energy of Cs, CsI etc. to C$$_{60}$$ fullerene using quantum chemistry calculation. We have also calculated the adsorption energy of a cluster model of illite, a kind of minerals which exists in soil and is known as a Cs$$^+$$ adsorbent. The results show that C$$_{60}$$ fullerene would be suitable to adsorb Cs atom in many CsI molecules. In the paper, we will discuss the thermochemical stability of the adducts.



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