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Itinerant-localized transitions in magnetic phases of the periodic Anderson model


久保 勝規 

Kubo, Katsunori

In recent years, Fermi-surface reconstruction, which is called a Lifshitz transition, has been discussed as a possible origin of anomalies in magnetic phases of several f-electron materials. To clarify the characteristics of the Lifshitz transitions, we investigate magnetically ordered states of the periodic Anderson model by applying the variational Monte Carlo method. Around half-filling, we find an antiferromagnetic phase, and far away from half-filling, we find a ferromagnetic phase as the ground state. Inside the both magnetic phases, Lifshitz transitions take place. At the Lifshitz transitions, the sizes of the ordered moments change. We find that, in the large ordered-moment states, the f-electron contribution to the Fermi surface becomes small. This observation clearly shows that these Lifshitz transitions are itinerant-localized transitions of the f electrons.



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分野:Physics, Applied



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