※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Effect of neutron energy and fluence on deuterium retention behaviour in neutron irradiated tungsten


藤田 啓恵*; 湯山 健太*; Li, X.*; 波多野 雄治*; 外山 健*; 太田 雅之; 落合 謙太郎; 吉田 直亮*; 近田 拓未*; 大矢 恭久*

Fujita, Hiroe*; Yuyama, Kenta*; Li, X.*; Hatano, Yuji*; Toyama, Takeshi*; Ota, Masayuki; Ochiai, Kentaro; Yoshida, Naoaki*; Chikada, Takumi*; Oya, Yasuhisa*


The irradiation defects were introduced by Fe$$^{2+}$$ irradiation, fission neutron irradiation and D-T neutron irradiation. After the irradiation, the deuterium ions (D$$_{2}^{+}$$) implantation was performed and the D retention behavior was evaluated by thermal desorption spectroscopy. The experimental results indicated that dense vacancies and voids within the shallow region near the surface were introduced by Fe$$^{2+}$$ irradiation. The trapping state of D by vacancies and void were clearly controlled by the damage concentration and the voids would become the most stable D trapping site. For fission neutron irradiated W, most of the D was adsorbed on the surface and/or trapped by dislocation loops and no vacancies and voids for D trapping due to its lower damage concentration. D trapping by vacancies were found in the bulk of D-T neutron irradiated W, indicating that the neutron energy distribution could make a large impact on irradiation defect formation and the D retention behavior.



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分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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