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Proton order-disorder phenomena in a hydrogen-bonded rhodium-$$eta$$$$^{5}$$-semiquinone complex; A Possible dielectric response mechanism

Mitsumi, Minoru*; Ezaki, Kazunari*; Komatsu, Yuki*; Toriumi, Koshiro*; Miyato, Tatsuya*; Mizuno, Motohiro*; Azuma, Nobuaki*; Miyazaki, Yuji*; Nakano, Motohiro*; Kitagawa, Yasutaka*; Hanashima, Takayasu*; Kiyanagi, Ryoji  ; Ohara, Takashi   ; Nakasuji, Kazuhiro*

A newly synthesized one-dimensional (1D) hydrogen-bonded (H-bonded) rhodium(II)-$$eta$$$$^{5}$$-semiquinone complex, [Cp$$^{*}$$Rh($$eta$$$$^{5}$$-$$p$$-HSQ-Me$$_{4}$$)]PF$$_{6}$$ exhibits a paraelectric-;antiferroelectric second-order phase transition at 237.1 K. Neutron and X-ray crystal structure analyses reveal that the H-bonded proton is disordered over two sites in the room-temperature (RT) phase. The phase transition would arise from this proton disorder together with rotation or libration of the Cp$$^{*}$$ ring and PF$$_{6}$$ ion. The relative permittivity $$varepsilon$$$$_{b}$$' along the H-bonded chains reaches relatively high values (ca., 130) in the RT phase.



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Category:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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