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Report No.

Study on heat transfer mechanism elucidation during pool nucleate boiling by measuring instantaneous surface temperature distribution with infrared radiation camera

Koizumi, Yasuo; Takahashi, Kazuki*; Uesawa, Shinichiro  ; Yoshida, Hiroyuki  ; Takase, Kazuyuki

Pool nucleate boiling heat transfer experiments were performed for water at 0.101 MPa to examine the elementary process of the nucleate boiling. The copper printed circuit board of a 1.57 mm thick bakelite plate coated with a 0.035 mm thick copper membrane was used for a heat transfer surface. The size of the heat transfer surface was 10 mm $$times$$ 10 mm. direct current was supplied to it to heat it up. The bakelite plate of the backside of the copper layer was taken by 7 mm $$times$$ 10 mm. The instantaneous variation of the backside temperature of the heat transfer surface was measured with an infrared radiation camera. The time and the space resolution of the infrared cameras used in experiments were 120 Hz and 0.315 mm $$times$$ 0.315 mm, respectively. Surface temperatures just before the burn-out measured with 120 Hz suggest that the surface temperature was steadily low at a large part of the heat transfer surface. A small hot-dry area came out at the critical heat flux condition. Then, this small hot-dry area iterated to expand and shrink and gradually grew. Other area was still wetted and kept at low temperature. Eventually the small hot-dry area started to grow continuously and a whole part of the heat transfer surface became hot-dry to reach the physical burn-out. The heat transfer surface was divided into two large areas; the hot-dry area and the low-temperature wetted area until the physical burn-out. The local surface heat flux variation derived from measured surface temperature variation clearly illustrated that the boundary between the dried area and the wetted area moved back and forth and the dried arear gradually grew to reach physical bourn-out at the critical heat flux condition.



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