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Report No.

Structural response by ground motions from sources with stochastic characteristics

Igarashi, Sayaka*; Sakamoto, Shigehiro*; Nishida, Akemi  ; Muramatsu, Ken; Takada, Tsuyoshi*  

In the preceding study, the ground-motion time histories consistent with seismic hazard were generated by Nishida et al.. In this study, structural response analyses of general RC structure are conducted with the 2,736 waves of ground motions which were generated from one seismic source, minami-kanto earthquakes. These ground motions incorporate the differences of their seismic-source characteristics. The multi-regression analyses are also conducted with the results of response analysis. As a result, the seismic moment, stress drop and Q-value coefficient showed clear positive correlation with seismic intensities and maximum structural responses. This can be expressed by the relationship between the Fourier spectra of seismic source and seismic-source characteristics. On the other hand, asperity location showed negative correlation with seismic intensities and maximum structural responses. The trend can be expressed by the relationship of location between reference site and faults.



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