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Lifshitz transitions in magnetic phases of the periodic Anderson model


久保 勝規 

Kubo, Katsunori

We investigate the reconstruction of a Fermi surface, which is called a Lifshitz transition, in magnetically ordered phases of the periodic Anderson model on a square lattice with a finite Coulomb interaction between $$f$$ electrons. We apply the variational Monte Carlo method to the model by using the Gutzwiller wave functions for the paramagnetic, antiferromagnetic, ferromagnetic, and charge-density-wave states. We find that an antiferromagnetic phase is realized around half-filling and a ferromagnetic phase is realized when the system is far away from half-filling. In both magnetic phases, Lifshitz transitions take place. By analyzing the electronic states, we conclude that the Lifshitz transitions to large ordered-moment states can be regarded as itinerant-localized transitions of the $$f$$ electrons.



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分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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