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 年 ~ 

Real-time observation of crystallographic tilting InGaAs layers on GaAs offcut substrates


西 俊明*; 佐々木 拓生; 池田 和磨*; 鈴木 秀俊*; 高橋 正光; 下村 憲一*; 小島 信晃*; 大下 祥雄*; 山口 真史*

Nishi, Toshiaki*; Sasaki, Takuo; Ikeda, Kazuma*; Suzuki, Hidetoshi*; Takahashi, Masamitsu; Shimomura, Kenichi*; Kojima, Nobuaki*; Oshita, Yoshio*; Yamaguchi, Masafumi*

${it In situ}$ X-ray reciprocal space mapping during In$$_{x}$$Ga$$_{1-x}$$As/GaAs(001) MBE growth is performed to investigate effects of substrate misorientations on crystallographic tilting. It was found that evolution of the crystallographic tilt for the InGaAs films is strongly dependent on both layer structures and substrate misorientations. We discuss these observations in terms of an asymmetric distribution of dislocations.



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分野:Energy & Fuels



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