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Report No.

Relationships between sediment concentrations from $$^{10}$$Be analysis and morphometric aspect in Sangun catchment Area, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan

Pachri, H.*; Mitani, Yasuhiro*; Ikemi, Hiroaki*; Nakanishi, Ryunosuke*; Kokubu, Yoko   

Recently, the contributions of slope failures have been difficult to quantify over the time scales of the sediment concentrations in Sangun catchment area, Fukuoka Prefecture. This paper describes how cosmogenic nuclide methods have provided information about the geomorphic process by utilizing $$^{10}$$Be. The $$^{10}$$Be/$$^{9}$$Be ratios were measured by AMS. We assume that the cosmogenic nuclide concentrations stored in the sediment of a river can increase or decrease, depending on the amount of mixing of sediments during transport through the fluvial system. As results, the $$^{10}$$Be concentrations have been calculated to determine the short term sediment mixing rate in the catchment area. Therefore, the relationship between the morphometrics of the drainage basin, the sediment concentration by $$^{10}$$Be analysis and the contribution of landslides to landscape changes over timescales of several years have been investigated in Sangun catchment area.



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