※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Backward-angle photoproduction of $$omega$$ and $$eta'$$ mesons from protons in the photon energy range from 1.5 to 3.0 GeV


森野 雄平*; Hwang, S.; 今井 憲一; 谷田 聖   ; LEPS Collaboration*; 他46名*

Morino, Yuhei*; Hwang, S.; Imai, Kenichi; Tanida, Kiyoshi; LEPS Collaboration*; 46 of others*

We report the measurement of differential cross sections for $$omega$$ and $$eta '$$ photoproduction from protons at backward angles ($$-1.0 < cos Theta_{C.M}^{X} < -0.8$$) using linearly polarized photons at $$E_{gamma }=1.5$$-$$3.0$$ GeV. The differential cross sections for $$omega$$ mesons are larger than the predicted $$u$$-channel contribution based on amplitude analysis in the energy range $$2.0leq sqrt {s}leq 2.4$$ GeV. The differential cross sections for $$omega$$ and $$eta '$$ mesons become closer to the predicted $$u$$-channel contribution at $$sqrt {s} > 2.4$$ GeV. A bump structure in the $$sqrt {s}$$ dependence of the differential cross sections for $$eta'$$ mesons was observed at $$sqrt {s}sim 2.35$$ GeV.



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分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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