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Input and output budgets of radiocesium concerning the forest floor in the mountain forest of Fukushima released from the TEPCO's Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident


新里 忠史  ; 阿部 寛信 ; 三田地 勝昭; 佐々木 祥人 ; 石井 康雄; 渡辺 貴善 

Niizato, Tadafumi; Abe, Hironobu; Mitachi, Katsuaki; Sasaki, Yoshito; Ishii, Yasuo; Watanabe, Takayoshi


Estimations of radiocesium input and output budgets concerning the forest floor in a mountain forest region have been conducted in the north and central part of the Abukuma Mountains of Fukushima, after 2 to 3 year period following the TEPCO Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. The radiocesium input and output associated with surface washoff, throughfall, stemflow, and litterfall processes at the experimental plots have been monitored on a forest floor of evergreen Japanese cedar and deciduous Konara oak forests. The results at both monitoring locations show the radiocesium input to be 4-50 times higher than the output during the rainy season in Fukushima. These results indicate that the radiocesium tend to be preserved in the forest ecosystem due to extremely low output ratios. Thus, the associated fluxes throughout the circulation process are key issues for the projecting the environmental fate of the radiocesium levels.



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分野:Environmental Sciences



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