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 年 ~ 


Status of the researches on the behavior in the environment of radioactive cesium transported from forests to river systems

飯島 和毅  

Iijima, Kazuki


The Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident led to the release of various and huge amount of radionuclides into the environment, and contamination of wide area of eastern Japan, mainly Fukushima prefecture. More than 70% of radioactive cesium, which dominates the exposure dose, was deposited in forest far from our living sphere and is considered to be remobilized with time by water flow and strong wind caused by natural events such as typhoons. Numerous researches on the behavior of radionuclides in the environment have been performed not only by observation in the contaminated regions but also by model analysis so far. This paper overviewed results of understanding and modeling of transport behavior of radiocesium from forests through river systems.



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