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Behavior of accidentally released radiocesium in soil-water environment; Looking at Fukushima from a Chernobyl perspective

水-土砂における放射性セシウムの動態; チェルノブイリと福島を比較して

Konoplev, A.*; Golosov, V.*; Laptev, G.*; 難波 謙二*; 恩田 裕一*; 高瀬 つぎ子* ; 脇山 義史*; 吉村 和也  

Konoplev, A.*; Golosov, V.*; Laptev, G.*; Namba, Kenji*; Onda, Yuichi*; Takase, Tsugiko*; Wakiyama, Yoshifumi*; Yoshimura, Kazuya

Comparative analysis is provided for radiocesium wash-off parameters and Kd between suspended matter and water in rivers and surface runoff on Fukushima and Chernobyl contaminated areas for the first years after the accidents. It was found that radiocesium distribution coefficient in Fukushima rivers is essentially higher than those in Chernobyl. This can be associated with two factors: a higher RIP of samples in Fukushima and the presence of water insoluble glassy particles. It was found also that dissolved wash-off coefficients for Fukushima catchments are lower than those in Chernobyl. Particulate wash-off coefficients are comparable for Fukushima and Chernobyl. The radiocesium migration in undisturbed forest and grassland soils at Fukushima has been shown to be faster than those in Chernobyl. Investigation and analysis of radiocesium distribution in soils of Niida river catchment revealed accumulation of contaminated sediments on its floodplain.



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分野:Environmental Sciences



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