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Report No.

Theoretical model analysis of neutron production from beryllium bombarded by deuterons up to 65 MeV

Kono, Hiroshi*; Watanabe, Yukinobu*; Nakayama, Shinsuke  ; Iwamoto, Osamu  ; Ye, T.*; Ogata, Kazuyuki*

In the present study, we have analyzed the $$(d,xn)$$ reactions on beryllium at incident deuteron energies up to 65 MeV using a computational code system dedicated for deuteron nuclear data evaluation we have developed so far. The calculation results with the present code system reproduced the experimental data better than those of PHITS, which is the Monte Carlo particle transport calculation code, especially in high emission energy range. On the other hand, in the low emission energy range, the present calculation cannot reproduce the experimental data well. Therefore, it is necessary to study the contribution from particle emissions from discrete states using the sequential decay model in order to improve the calculation code system.



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