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 年 ~ 

The Effect of azimuthal temperature distribution on the ballooning and rupture behavior of Zircaloy-4 cladding tube under transient-heating conditions


成川 隆文 ; 天谷 政樹  

Narukawa, Takafumi; Amaya, Masaki

In order to investigate the effect of azimuthal temperature distribution on the ballooning and rupture behavior of Zircaloy-4 (Zry-4) cladding tube, laboratory-scale experiments on non-irradiated Zry-4 cladding tube specimens were performed under transient-heating conditions which simulate loss-of-coolant-accident (LOCA) conditions by using an external heating method, and the data obtained were compared to those from a previous study where an internal heating method was used. The maximum circumferential strains ($$varepsilon$$s) of the cladding tube specimens were firstly divided by the engineering hoop stress ($$sigma$$). The divided maximum circumferential strains, ${it k}$s, of the previous study, which used the internal heating method, were then corrected based on the azimuthal temperature difference (ATD) in the cladding tube specimen. The ${it k}$s for the external heating method which was used in this study agreed fairly well with the corrected ${it k}$s obtained in the previous study which employed the internal heating method in the burst temperature range below $$sim$$1200 K. Also, the area of rupture opening tended to increase with increasing of the value which is defined as $$varepsilon$$ multiplied by $$sigma$$. From the results obtained in this study, it was suggested that $$varepsilon$$ and the size of rupture opening of a cladding tube under LOCA-simulated conditions can be estimated mainly by using $$sigma$$, $$varepsilon$$ and ATD in the cladding tube specimen, irrespective of heating methods.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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