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青森研究開発センターむつ事務所施設管理課業務報告; 平成24年度、平成25年度

Nuclear Facilities Management Section Mutsu Office, Aomori Research and Development Center operations report; FY 2012&2013

田島 好弘; 桑原 潤 ; 及川 敦; 甲 昭二; 新谷 尚之; 菊地 香; 宮本 晋伍; 根本 英幸; 大江 修

Tajima, Yoshihiro; Kuwabara, Jun; Oyokawa, Atsushi; Kabuto, Shoji; Araya, Naoyuki; Kikuchi, Kaoru; Miyamoto, Shingo; Nemoto, Hideyuki; Oe, Osamu


Nuclear Facilities Management Section implements the operation, maintenance and decommissioning of the first nuclear ship "MUTSU" and the operation and maintenance of the liquid waste facility and the solid waste facility where a small amount of nuclear fuel is used. This is the report on the operations of the Nuclear Facilities Management Section for FY 2012 and FY 2013.



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