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Report No.

Oxide dispersion-strengthened/ferrite-martensite steels as core materials for Generation IV nuclear reactors

Ukai, Shigeharu*; Otsuka, Satoshi   ; Kaito, Takeji ; de Carlan, Y.*; Ribis, J.*; Malaplate, J.*

Oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steels are the most promising candidate materials for fuel cladding of generation IV nuclear reactors. The progress and current status for development of ODS/FM(ferrite-martensite) steels conducted mainly in Japan and France are overviewed. The chemical compositions of ODS/FM steels are listed. Fabrication routes of cladding tube are mentioned for ferrite-type ODS steels using recrystallized process and martensite-type one using $$alpha$$-$$gamma$$ phase transformation. The optimized process is identical for both countries. Joining process between cladding and end-plug has been also developed by using the pressurized resistance upset welding method. The improvements brought by ODS/FM steels in high-temperature strength and irradiation resistance are verified.



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Category:Energy & Fuels



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