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Generation of spin currents in the skyrmion phase of a helimagnetic insulator Cu$$_2$$OSeO$$_3$$

Hirobe, Daichi*; Shiomi, Yuki*; Shimada, Yuki*; Oe, Junichiro*; Saito, Eiji

We report spin-current generation related to skyrmion dynamics resonantly excited by a microwave in a helimagnetic insulator Cu$$_2$$OSeO$$_3$$. A Pt layer was fabricated on Cu$$_2$$OSeO$$_3$$ and voltage in the Pt layer was measured upon magnetic resonance of Cu$$_2$$OSeO$$_3$$ to electrically detect injected spin currents via the inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE) in Pt. We found that ISHE-induced electromotive forces appear in the skyrmion phase of Cu$$_2$$OSeO$$_3$$ as well as in the ferrimagnetic phase, which shows that magnetic skyrmions can contribute to the spin pumping effect.



- Accesses




Category:Physics, Applied



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