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Report No.

Real-time observation of rotational twin formation during molecular-beam epitaxial growth of GaAs on Si (111) by X-ray diffraction

Suzuki, Hidetoshi*; Nakata, Yuka*; Takahashi, Masamitsu; Ikeda, Kazuma*; Oshita, Yoshio*; Morohara, Osamu*; Geka, Hirotaka*; Moriyasu, Yoshitaka*

The formation and evolution of rotational twin (TW) domains introduced by a stacking fault during molecular-beam epitaxial growth of GaAs on Si (111) substrates were studied by in situ X-ray diffraction. To modify the volume ratio of TW to total GaAs domains, GaAs was deposited under high and low group V/group III (V/III) flux ratios. For low V/III, there was less nucleation of TW than normal growth (NG) domains, although the NG and TW growth rates were similar. For high V/III, the NG and TW growth rates varied until a few GaAs monolayers were deposited; the mean TW domain size was smaller for all film thicknesses.



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Category:Nanoscience & Nanotechnology



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