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Report No.

Fano factor evaluation of diamond detectors for alpha particles

Shimaoka, Takehiro*; Kaneko, Junichi* ; Sato, Yuki  ; Tsubota, Masakatsu*; Shimmyo, Hiroaki*; Chayahara, Akiyoshi*; Watanabe, Hideyuki*; Umezawa, Hitoshi*; Mokuno, Yoshiaki*

This report is the first describing experimental evaluation of Fano factor for diamond detectors. High-quality self-standing chemical vapor deposited diamond samples were produced using lift-off method. Alpha-particle induced charge measurements were taken for three samples. A 13.1 eV $$pm$$ 0.07 eV of the average electron-hole pair creation energy and excellent energy resolution of approximately 0.3$$%$$ were found for 5.486 MeV alpha particles from an $$^{241}$$Am radioactive source. The best Fano factor for 5.486 MeV alpha particles calculated from experimentally obtained epsilon values and the detector intrinsic energy resolution was 0.382 $$pm$$ 0.007.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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