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Report No.

Application of area validation methods for uncertainty quantification in validation process of thermal-hydraulic code for thermal fatigue issue in sodium-cooled fast reactors

Tanaka, Masaaki  

A numerical simulation code named MUGTHES has been developed to estimate thermal fatigue issue in sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs). Additionally, author has been developed a practical procedure named V2UP for verification and validation (V&V) process and numerical prediction with uncertainty quantification in order to ensure credibility of the numerical estimation results. In the V2UP, uncertainty quantification is required. Therefore, the area validation metric (AVM) and the modified AVM (MAVM) methods were examined to measure degree of agreement (difference) between the numerical results by MUGTHES and experimental results of sodium experiments (PLAJEST) for the triple parallel jets thermal mixing phenomena. Through the examinations of the AVM and MAVM methods, values of the degree of agreement between them were successfully estimated and it was indicated that the MAVM method could be a reference method in the validation process of the V2UP.



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