※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Relationship between faults oriented parallel and oblique to bedding in Neogene massive siliceous mudstones at the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory, Japan


早野 明  ; 石井 英一   

Hayano, Akira; Ishii, Eiichi


This study investigates the mechanical relationship between bedding-parallel and bedding-oblique faults in a Neogene massive siliceous mudstone at the site of the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory (URL) in Hokkaido, Japan, on the basis of observations of drillcore recovered from pilot boreholes and fracture mapping on shaft and gallery walls. The distribution of the bedding-parallel faults at 350 m depth in the Horonobe URL indicates that these faults are spread over at least several tens of meters in parallel along a bedding plane. The observation that the bedding-oblique fault displaces the Last MM fault is consistent with the previous interpretation that the bedding-oblique faults formed after the bedding-parallel faults. In addition, the bedding-parallel faults terminate near the MM and S1 faults, indicating that the bedding-parallel faults with visible fault gouge act to terminate the propagation of younger bedding-oblique faults.



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分野:Geosciences, Multidisciplinary



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