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Report No.

Round-robin $$^{230}$$Th-$$^{234}$$U age dating of bulk uranium for nuclear forensics

Gaffney, A.*; Hubert, A.*; Kinman, W. S.*; Magara, Masaaki  ; Okubo, Ayako; Pointurier, F.*; Schorzman, K. C.*; Steiner, R. E.*; Williams, R. W.*

In and inter-laboratory measurement comparison study, four laboratories (LLNL, LANL, CEA, JAEA) determined $$^{230}$$Th-$$^{234}$$U model ages of uranium certified reference material NBL U050 using isotope dilution mass spectrometry. The model dates determined by the participating laboratories range from 9 March 1956 to 19 October 1957, and are indistinguishable given the associated measurement uncertainties. These model ages are concordant with to slightly older than the known production age of NBL U050, indicating unsufficient purification of U050.



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Category:Chemistry, Analytical



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