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 年 ~ 

Experimental investigation of the influence of Mo contained in stainless steel on Cs chemisorption behavior


Di Lemma, F. G.; 中島 邦久  ; 山下 真一郎   ; 逢坂 正彦  

Di Lemma, F. G.; Nakajima, Kunihisa; Yamashita, Shinichiro; Osaka, Masahiko


Chemisorption phenomena can affect fission products retention in the nuclear reactor vessel during a Severe Accident (SA). This paper will describe the influence of molybdenum contained in type 316 stainless steel (SS) on Cs chemisorption. Our experiments showed the formation of Cs-Mo compounds in addition to CsFeSiO$$_{4}$$, observed previously on SS304. The results of high temperature stability tests on the deposits are also presented. These tests aimed at simulating the revaporization of FP from structural materials during a SA. From our results, it can be inferred that Cs-Mo deposits may revaporize, contributing as a delayed source to the radioactive release.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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