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Structural engineering studies on reinforced concrete structure using neutron diffraction


鈴木 裕士  ; 楠 浩一*; 兼松 学*; 向井 智久*; Harjo, S.   

Suzuki, Hiroshi; Kusunoki, Koichi*; Kanematsu, Manabu*; Mukai, Tomohisa*; Harjo, S.


It has been demonstrated in our past studies that neutron diffraction can be an alternative method to conventional strain gauge for measuring the stress distribution along rebar embedded in concrete. The current study investigated the possibility of the bond stress evaluation using neutron diffraction in order to find further capability of neutron diffraction for the structural engineering study on the reinforced concrete structure. Several peaks appeared in the bond stress distribution measured by neutron diffraction, showing the inhomogeneous bond variation along the embedded rebar. This result suggests that the neutron diffraction technique with high spacial resolution makes it possible to catch local bond resistance caused by the transverse ribs. The bond stress distribution measured by the neutron diffraction technique is expected to bring detailed understanding of the bond mechanism between rebar and concrete for the reinforced concrete structure.



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分野:Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering



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