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Benchmark experiment on molybdenum with graphite by using DT neutrons at JAEA/FNS

Ota, Masayuki*; Kwon, Saerom*; Sato, Satoshi*; Konno, Chikara  ; Ochiai, Kentaro*

A new fusion neutron source is now under consideration in Japan. Type 316L stainless steel (SUS316L) which is a structural material of the target-system contains a few percent of molybdenum. In our previous benchmark experiment on molybdenum at JAEA/FNS, we found problems of the cross section data above a few hundred eV in Mo. We perform a new benchmark experiment on Mo with graphite in order to validate the Mo data in the lower energy region. Several dosimetry reaction rates and fission rates are measured in the assembly and compared with the calculated values with the Monte-Carlo transport code MCNP5-1.40 and the recent nuclear data libraries. It is suggested that the (n,$$gamma$$) cross section of $$^{95}$$Mo is underestimated in the tail region below the large resonance at 45 eV in the recent nuclear data libraries.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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