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外部ハザードに対する崩壊熱除去機能のマージン評価手法の研究開発,18; 異常降雨時におけるCMMC法を用いたプラント状態の定量化

Research and development of margin assessment methodology of decay heat removal function against external hazards, 18; Numerical quantification of plant state based on CMMC method under strong rainfall hazard

高田 孝  

Takata, Takashi


In the present paper, a numerical quantification of a plant status in sodium-cooled fast reactor has been carried out based on a continuous Markov chain Monte Carlo (CMMC) method under a strong rainfall hazard. For this purpose, a numerical tool where a water level of each compartment is calculated considering such as a penetration to compartment, a transport via opening or pathway and a drain and is coupled with the CMMC method.



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