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Report No.

Improvement of the IPM for the high-intensity beam profile measurement in the J-PARC RCS

Kato, Shinichi; Harada, Hiroyuki  ; Hatakeyama, Shuichiro; Kawase, Masato; Yamamoto, Kazami   ; Kinsho, Michikazu  

In the J-PARC RCS, the residual gas ionization profile monitor (IPM) is adopted for the nondestructive detection of the 1D transverse distribution of the circulating proton beam. The IPM mainly consists of the divided electrodes generating the external electric field and the detection unit. For the profile measurement, the residual gas ionized by the beam is transported to the detection unit by the external transverse electric field and amplified by the Multi-Channel Plate (MCP) as the electron. After that, these electrons are detected and the 1D distribution is reconstructed. To improve IPM performance, some updates have been performed continuously such as the optimization of the electric field potential and the introduction of the new MCP which has the gradual gain response to the applied voltage. As a result, the IPM shows intended performance in the beam commissioning with the low current condition. However, the distribution cannot be measured in the high current condition such as over 100 kW because the noise increases and hides the signal. To solve this problem, we investigated the source of this noise and examined measures. To compare the simulation and the noise measurement results, we identified the cause of the noise as the electric field from the beam. Therefore, we developed additional electrode component to shield that field based on the simulation result. This component will be installed in 2016 summer. It is expected that the noise is reduced to be 1/100 compared with present one by the new component and the distribution measurement can be performed in the high current condition.



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