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Report No.

Examination of analytical method of rare earth elements in used nuclear fuel

Ozawa, Mayumi ; Fukaya, Hiroyuki; Sato, Makoto; Kamohara, Keiko*; Suyama, Kenya; Tonoike, Kotaro ; Oki, Keiichi; Umeda, Miki 

For criticality safety of used nuclear fuel, it is necessary to determine amounts of such rare earth elements as gadolinium(Gd), samarium(Sm), europium(Eu) since those rare earth elements involve the isotopes having particularly large neutron absorption cross sections. However, it is difficult to measure those isotopes simultaneously by mass spectrometry because some of them have same mass numbers. Thus fine chemical separation of those rare earth elements is indispensable for accurate determination prior to measurement. The conventional separation method with anion exchange resin has been utilized in JAEA mainly for the separation of uranium and plutonium. Therefore rare earth elements such as Gd, Sm and Eu except Nd are wasted without being separated in the conventional method. The authors have examined to improve the conventional method in order to separate those rare earth elements mutually.



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