※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Oxidation and reduction behaviors of a prototypic MgO-PuO$$_{2-x}$$ inert matrix fuel


三輪 周平  ; 逢坂 正彦  

Miwa, Shuhei; Osaka, Masahiko


Oxidation and reduction behaviors of prototypic MgO-based inert matrix fuels (IMFs) containing PuO$$_{2-x}$$ were experimentally investigated by means of thermogravimetry. The oxidation and reduction kinetics of the MgO-PuO$$_{2-x}$$ specimen were determined. The oxidation and reduction rates of the MgO-PuO$$_{2-x}$$ were found to be low compared with those of PuO$$_{2-x}$$. It is note that the changes in O/Pu ratios of MgO-PuO$$_{2-x}$$ from stoichiometry were smaller than those of PuO$$_{2-x}$$ at high oxygen partial pressure. From these results, it can be said that MgO matrix lower the oxygen supply and release of PuO$$_{2-x}$$, which is preferable as the minor actinides incineration devices, since the high oxygen potentials of minor actinide oxides can cause certain problems in terms of thermochemical aspects such as enlarged cladding inner-surface corrosion.



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分野:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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