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Systematic measurement of double-differential neutron production cross sections for deuteron-induced reactions at an incident energy of 102 MeV

Araki, Shohei*; Watanabe, Yukinobu*; Kitajima, Mizuki*; Sadamatsu, Hiroki*; Nakano, Keita*; Kin, Tadahiro*; Iwamoto, Yosuke   ; Satoh, Daiki   ; Hagiwara, Masayuki*; Yashima, Hiroshi*; Shima, Tatsushi*

Recently, deuteron incident reaction is expected to be used as a neutron source for study of radiation damage in fusion materials, boron neutron capture therapy, and so on. However, experimental data to validate the model is very few. In this work, double-differential neutron production cross sections (DDXs) for deuteron-induced reactions on $$^{nat}$$Li, $$^{9}$$Be, $$^{nat}$$C, $$^{27}$$Al, $$^{nat}$$Cu, and $$^{93}$$Nb at 102 MeV were measured at forward angles $$leq$$ 25$$^{circ}$$ by means of a time of flight (TOF) method with NE213 liquid organic scintillators at the Research Center of Nuclear Physics (RCNP), Osaka University. The experimental DDXs and energy-integrated cross sections were compared with TENDL-2015 data and PHITS calculation. The PHITS calculation showed better agreement with the experimental results than TENDL-2015 for all target nuclei, although the shape of the broad peak around 50 MeV was not satisfactorily reproduced by the PHITS calculation.



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Category:Instruments & Instrumentation



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