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Report No.

A Modelling study on water radiolysis for primary coolant in PWR

Mukai, Satoru*; Umehara, Ryuji*; Hanawa, Satoshi ; Kasahara, Shigeki; Nishiyama, Yutaka 

In Japanese PWR, the concentration of dissolved hydrogen in the primary coolant is controlled in the range from 25 cc/kg-H$$_{2}$$O to 35 cc/kg-H$$_{2}$$O for suppression of water decomposition. However this concentration is desired to reduce for the purpose of radiation source reduction in Japan. So, the concentration due to water radiolysis in primary coolant was evaluated at lower hydrogen concentration by the water radiolysis model in consideration of $$gamma$$ ray, fast neutron and alpha ray due to the reaction $$^{10}$$B(n,$$alpha$$)$$^{7}$$Li. The results of evaluation showed that the water radiolysis was suppressed even if the hydrogen concentration was decreased to 5 cc/kg-H$$_{2}$$O. The effects of the different G-value and the rate constants of major reaction on the concentration of H$$_{2}$$O$$_{2}$$ and O$$_{2}$$ were studied under hydrogen addition. We also focused on the effect of the alpha radiolysis in boron acid water.



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