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Report No.

Interference effect between neutron direct and resonance capture reactions for neutron-rich nuclei

Minato, Futoshi   ; Fukui, Tokuro

The capture reaction can be divided into two parts, that is the compound and direct processes. For most stable nuclei, the compound process occupies a large part of the neutron capture cross section. However, it has been pointed out that the direct process comes to play a comparable role to the compound one at a low energy in light and neutron-rich nuclei, where the number of resonance state at the neutron threshold energy is relatively small. In addition, there is an interference term between the direct and compound processes. However, it is usually neglected for most nuclei, because either of the compound or the direct process is more important than the other, its contribution becomes negligible. However, some experiment data have given an implication of the existence of the interference effect, and Mengoni and Otsuka reported that the experimental results of capture cross section can be described by taking into account it. It is then natural as a next step to have a concern whether the interference effect comes to play a role for neutron-rich nuclei as well. We therefore calculate the neutron capture reaction for neutron-rich nuclei and study the interference effect on it. We will present some results for neutron-rich nuclei and the interference effect becomes important.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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