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Report No.

Shielding performance of newly developed boron-loaded concrete for DT neutrons

Sato, Satoshi*; Konno, Chikara  ; Nakashima, Hiroshi; Shionaga, Ryosuke*; Nose, Hiroyuki*; Ito, Yuji*; Hashimoto, Hirohide*

In order to enhance the neutron shielding performance, we developed concrete with boron of more than 10 wt%. We performed a neutron shielding experiment using the mockup of the newly developed boron-loaded concrete and DT neutrons at FNS in JAEA, and measured the reaction rates of the $$^{93}$$Nb(n,2n)$$^{92m}$$Nb and $$^{197}$$Au(n,$$gamma$$)$$^{198}$$Au reactions in the mockup. The calculations were conducted by using MCNP-5.14 and FENDL-2.1. The calculation results agreed well with the measured ones, and we confirmed that the accuracy was very good on the atomic composition data of the boron-loaded concrete and their nuclear data. In addition, we calculated effective dose rates and reaction rates of the $$^{59}$$Co(n,$$gamma$$)$$^{60}$$Co and $$^{151}$$Eu(n,$$gamma$$)$$^{152}$$Eu reactions in the boron-loaded concrete and other concretes. It is concluded that the boron-loaded concrete has much better shielding performance for DT neutrons than other concretes.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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