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 年 ~ 

Development of standard procedure for consequence analysis of criticality accident in fuel cycle facilities


山根 祐一  ; 阿部 仁 

Yamane, Yuichi; Abe, Hitoshi


After the experience of the accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plants of Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO),Japan's nuclear safety standard for reprocessing plant has been renewed and the standard now requires accident management measures and the assessment of their effectiveness to the severe accident such as criticality accident. This paper summarizes the issues for the best estimation in criticality accident consequence analysis and proposes a new method to estimate source term in criticality accident. Unique characters of criticality accident in nuclear fuel facilities, such as the production of short life nuclides, are described in association with the best estimation of public and worker's dose. In the light of those characters, this paper proposes a procedure to estimate source term in criticality accident by utilizing five-component equation described in DOE handbook.



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