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Report No.

MPI/OpenMP hybrid parallelization of a Monte Carlo neutron/photon transport code MVP

Nagaya, Yasunobu  ; Adachi, Masaaki*

MVP is a general-purpose Monte Carlo code for neutron and photon transport calculations based on the continuous-energy method. To speed up the MVP code, hybrid parallelization is applied with a message passing interface library MPI and a shared-memory multiprocessing library OpenMP. The performance test has been done for an eigenvalue calculation of a fast reactor subassembly, a fixed-source calculation of a neutron/photon coupled problem and a PWR full core model. Comparisons has been made for MPI only with 4 processes and hybrid parallelism with 4 processes $$times$$ 3 threads. As a result, the hybrid parallelism yields the reduction of elapsed time by 16% to 34% and the used memories are almost the same.



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