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Report No.

Survey results for the transition of the air dose rate after the Cabinet Office decontamination model demonstration project; 1st-11th survey results summary (Contract research)

Kawase, Keiichi ; Kitano, Mitsuaki; Watanabe, Masanori; Yoshimura, Shuichi; Kikuchi, Shiro; Nishino, Katsumi*

Survey of a transition of the air and surface dose rate was conducted for the area where the Cabinet Office decontamination model demonstration project was implemented. The area includes 15 districts in 9 municipalities identified by the Ministry of the Environment. We investigated 11 times from October, 2012 to October, 2015. Measurement of the air dose rate in this study was carried out in two methods using the fixed-point measurement and gamma plotter H using a NaI scintillation survey meter etc. As fixed-point measurement, set measurement point in the first survey for (fixed point), it was subjected to measurement of the surface dose rate to continue (1cm height) and space dose rate (1m height). In addition surface specific dose rate distribution measurement using a gamma plotter H (5cm and 1m height) was also performed together. As a result of the fixed-point measurement and gamma plotter H surface measurements, space dose rate from the first survey to the 11th survey shows the downward trend. We consider that there is no movement of radioactive pollutants from outside decontamination model project area into decontamination model project area.



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