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Report No.

Assessment of risk of insider threats in nuclear fuel cycle facilities

Shimizu, Ryo ; Suda, Kazunori ; Tamai, Hiroshi ; Tazaki, Makiko ; Kokaji, Lisa

As to nuclear security measures against external threats to nuclear fuel cycle facilities, not only preventive measures against intrusion into such facilities, but also early detection of such intrusions have been implemented. However, considering current and frequent international terrorist attacks around the world, nuclear security measures against insider threats in facilities, including a system to determine the trustworthiness of personnel, have also been discussed and then going to be implemented. On the other hand, risks of insider threats in nuclear fuel cycle facilities have rarely been released in detail in the past. The authors have made a conceptual study on the possible occurrence of insider threats and their influence at each type of nuclear fuel cycle facility, from viewpoints of nuclear material types, processes and work methods of each facility.



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