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Report No.

Current status of pulsed spallation neutron source of J-PARC

Takada, Hiroshi   

A pulsed spallation neutron source of Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) is aimed at promoting a variety of cutting-edge materials researches at state-of-the-art neutron instruments with neutrons generated by a 3-GeV proton beam with a power of 1-MW at a repetition rate of 25 Hz. In 2015, for the first time it received 1-MW equivalent proton beam pulse, and the beam power for user program was ramped up to 500 kW. The moderator system of the neutron source was optimized to use (1) 100% para-hydrogen for increasing pulse peak intensity with decreasing pulse tail, (2) cylindrical shape with 14 cm diam. $$times$$ 12 cm long for providing high intensity neutrons to wide neutron extraction angles of 50.8 degrees, (3) neutron absorber made from Ag-In-Cd alloy to make pulse widths narrower and pulse tails lower. As a result, it gives highest intensity pulsed neutrons per incident proton in the world. Towards the goal to achieve the target operation at 1-MW for 5000 h in a year, efforts to mitigate cavitation damages at the target vessel front with injecting gas micro-bubbles into the mercury target are under way. Also, improvement of structural target vessel design is an urgent issue since there was failure twice at the water shroud of the mercury target due to the thermal stress during operating periods at 500 kW in 2015.



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