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 年 ~ 

A Study for evaluating local damage to reinforced concrete panels subjected to oblique impact, 3; Simulation analysis for evaluating perforation phenomena caused by oblique impact of deformable projectiles

斜め衝突によるRC版の局部損傷評価に関する研究,3; 柔飛翔体の斜め衝突による貫通現象の検討

坪田 張二; 太田 良巳*; 西田 明美  ; Li, Y. 

Tsubota, Haruji; Ota, Yoshimi*; Nishida, Akemi; Li, Y.


Many empirical formulae have been proposed for evaluating the local damage to reinforced concrete structures caused by rigid projectile impact. Most of these formulae have been derived based on impact tests perpendicular to target structures. To date, few impact tests oblique to target structures have been carried out. Therefore, in this study, we propose a new formula for evaluating the local damage caused by oblique impact based on past experimental results and the results of simulation analyses. In this paper, we present the results of simulation analyses for evaluating the local damage to reinforced concrete panels caused by normal and oblique impact of deformable projectiles, focusing especially on perforation phenomena. Based on the analytical results, we investigate the differences in impact response characteristics between normal and oblique impact.



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