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Report No.

Development of U and Pu co-processing process; Demonstration of U, Pu and Np Co-recovery with centrifugal contactors

Kudo, Atsunari ; Kurabayashi, Kazuaki; Yanagibashi, Futoshi; Sasaki, Shunichi; Sato, Takehiko ; Fujimoto, Ikuo; Obu, Tomoyuki

The Co-processing process is the extraction process to recover Pu/U mixed product solution with given Pu/U ratio for improving of nuclear proliferation resistance. In addition, Np is also recovered with U and Pu because Np is one of minor actinides and a long-lived radionuclide and Np has the extractability into TBP solvent. Development of its flowsheet achieves to decrease environmental effect of waste materials. The orientation of development about Co-processing process is to demonstrate of reprocessing the future spent fuels from a LWR, a LWR-MOX hybrid, and a FR-MOX with one cycle. We demonstrated by use of miniature reflux-type centrifugal contactors at the partitioning unit. The test conditions of the Pu/U ratio in the loaded solvents were 1%, 3%, and 5% considering the composition of spent fuels. We used the HAN as the reductant of Np (VI) for back extraction. The results of these tests were very good. We got the prospect of U, Pu, and Np Co-processing flowsheet.



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