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最新放射線化学(応用編),16; 計算機シミュレーションによる放射線生物作用の初期過程の研究

Modern radiation chemistry (Applications), 16; Computer simulation study of initial process of radiation biological effect

渡邊 立子*; 甲斐 健師   ; 服部 佑哉*

Watanabe, Ritsuko*; Kai, Takeshi; Hattori, Yuya*


To understand the mechanisms of radiation biological effects, modeling and simulation studies are important. In particular, simulation approach is powerful tool to evaluate modeling of mechanisms and the relationship among experimental results in different spatial scale of biological systems such as DNA molecular and cell. This article summarizes our approach to evaluate radiation action on DNA and cells by combination of knowledge in radiation physics, chemistry and biology. It contains newly theoretical approach to estimate physico-chemical process of DNA damage induction in addition to typical method of DNA damage prediction. Outline of the mathematical model for dynamics of DNA damage and cellular response is also presented.



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