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 年 ~ 

Neutron flux spectrum revealed by Nb-based current-biased kinetic inductance detector with a $$^{10}$$B conversion layer


宮嶋 茂之*; 宍戸 寛明*; 鳴神 吉人*; 吉岡 直人*; 藤巻 朗*; 日高 睦夫*; 及川 健一   ; 原田 正英   ; 奥 隆之   ; 新井 正敏*; 石田 武和*

Miyajima, Shigeyuki*; Shishido, Hiroaki*; Narukami, Yoshito*; Yoshioka, Naohito*; Fujimaki, Akira*; Hidaka, Mutsuo*; Oikawa, Kenichi; Harada, Masahide; Oku, Takayuki; Arai, Masatoshi*; Ishida, Takekazu*

We successfully derived the time-dependent flux of pulsed neutrons using a superconducting Nb-based current biased kinetic inductance detector (CB-KID) with a $$^{10}$$B conversion layer at Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex. Our CB-KID is a meander line made of a 40-nm-thick Nb thin film with 1-$$mu$$m line width, which is covered with a 150-nm-thick $$^{10}$$B conversion layer. The detector works at a temperature below 4 K. The evaluated detection efficiency of the CB-KID in this experiment is 0.23% at the neutron energy of 25.4 meV. The time-dependent flux spectra of pulsed neutrons thus obtained are in good agreement with the results obtained by the Monte Carlo simulations.



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分野:Instruments & Instrumentation



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